Friday 31 May 2013

 As I promised in my last post, I will tell you about my school, and my life in school. As I said before, I was school at Sekolah Menengah Agama Persekutuan Kajang or as known as SMAPK. I had studied there since I was in Form 1. But before I been there, my school was SMKA Maahad Hamidiah. And then, end of February, I received an offer letter to a boarding school which was SMAPK.

First, I didn't want to go there. Then, my parents persuaded me to study there. I willingly went to SMAPK and I had a lot of friends from many states of Malaysia. I had much enjoyment more than when I was in previous school. When I was in Form 1, I had been bullied by my seniors. I only had to iron the clothes. That was the worst thing I had to do. Some of my friends had to washed and iron the clothes. That was some of my experience in a boarding  school. When I was in Form 1, teachers rarely entered the class. Usually students of boarding school had lack of sleep during the night. So they will tried to sleep during the day. When the teacher didn't entered the class, they including me will use that time to sleep. It was funny to have that memory. During in Form 1, I was selected to be the prefects in my school. To be a prefect, there are 3 test that must each student pass. But I didn't pass the first test. I positively thought that is a new experience.

Next, when I was in Form 3, I passed the test but I became 'Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya' (PRS). I accepted that post. Praise be to God, since I became PRS, my relation between my seniors and juniors is closer. Besides, some of them willingly shared their secrets with me. I am responsible person, so I kept their secrets.
Form 3 student were rarely being bullied by the seniors. Usually Form 1 and Form 2 students were their targets.

 When I was in Form 4 and Form 5, sometimes I bullied my juniors but only a small matter they had to do such as refill water into a bottle. It is funny to remember that thing. Now that has become memory of my life during at the school. 

Wednesday 29 May 2013

When we talk about paper, what can you say about it? Actually, paper is among important things in our life. Maybe when we talk about paper, some of us will imagine newspaper. Newspaper do have relation with paper. It is a combination from the word news and paper, so it become newspaper. Newspaper is important in our life. Maybe some of us feel that it is not important. Why? Some of us say that they do not want to know about other person. But actually they must know about what is happening to the world right now. They must care about other people too. They shall not only care about their life only. Let's continue about paper.
What is paper made of? It is made of trees. Now days, many trees are being cut down. Trees have an important role in our life also, not just papers. Why do trees were planted beside roads, around our house? Because it's function is to maintain the temperature around it. Besides, trees absorb carbon dioxide which was produced by our body and release oxygen to the surrounding. We as human need oxygen everyday in order to stay alive. Who says that oxygen is not important? Nobody. Everyone needs oxygen. It is true that we also need food and drink to live. If you have only oxygen, but no food and drink, you will die sooner. You need oxygen, food and drink in order to live. You only need to pay for food and drink only. For oxygen, the God has give you free. You don't have to pay for oxygen fee. You should be grateful to God.
Now, we will discuss about our life. What have you done to your life right now? Is your life become better? Or worse? You cannot be a bad person in front of anybody. we must show our good attitude in front of them. If we show good behavior infront people, they will show you good behavior. Isn't that great? Good repay with good. If everybody practise this thing, the world will be peace, no war. Do you like war? I'm sure that none of us love war, in reality. But if it is in the visual game, it is another story. I sometimes love war in the game.
In our life, we need to fill it with enjoyment but only a little. Do not fill your life with full of enjoyment or you will regret during your old day. Believe me. I know that evrybody loves to enjoy in their way, but enjoy your life only with beneficial activity, alright? I think this session has reached the end point. Maybe on the next blog I will tell you a little bit about my school. See you later.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

    A Little Bit About Myself

My name is Mohammad Firdaus Bin Azman & Siti Mazni. Siti Mazni???? Why suddenly that name appear? Normally, people just put their father's name. So, where is the relation between son or daughter with the mother???? I am writing the name 'Siti Mazni' beside my father's name to show you that she is my lovely sweet mother. I want to tell you that Siti Mazni is my mother. Enough discussing about my name, shall we proceed?

Let's continue about myself. I have 5 siblings and I am the eldest not the oldest. Eldest and oldest are different. Eldest means I am the oldest among my siblings, not including my parents. Oldest does mean I am the oldest among my family members. I tell you again that I am the eldest among my siblings. It means that I am the first son.

I am 18 and currently studying studying Foundation in Mechanical Engineering at Universiti Tenaga Nasional(UNITEN). Honestly, I am not good in physics subject during in my secondary school. It was because I was not quite focussing in my class and I sometimes loved to play more than study. That is why I am not good in physics. Then, why I am taking engineering course in university? There are still many courses in this big world. Why? I am actually interested in physics eventhough I am not good at it. Physics do plays an important role in our life. For example, in order for a car to move on the road, there must be a force called frictional force acting on the tyres of the car. when the car move to the front, the frictional force must acting against the movement of the car in order for the car to move. That is an example for physics. Actually, there are many physics concept around us eventhough when we hold a glass.

Enough about the concept of physics. My secondary school was Sekolah Menengah Agama Persekutuan       
Kajang or as known as SMAPK. I will tell about my secondary school in another blog. I love to play football or futsal during my pleasure time. But not only that, I also love to surfing the internet. And now, I 
found a new one which is blogging. The idea of blogging came out from my lecturer Ms Alicia. Actually it is a task for her students to make their own blog, but I found that blogging is interesting.

When I talk about playing football, I adores a football club since I was 11. It is not a Malaysian club, it is  
Chelsea FC, the English club. The latest trophy they won is Europa League when they beat the portuguese club, Benfica 2-1 in the final at Amsterdam Arena which is located at Holland. I still remember the Chelsea's scorers whom is Torres and Ivanovic. I think this is enough about myself. I hope 
you enjoy, and remember 'Always Be Happy'. See you later.