Friday 31 May 2013

 As I promised in my last post, I will tell you about my school, and my life in school. As I said before, I was school at Sekolah Menengah Agama Persekutuan Kajang or as known as SMAPK. I had studied there since I was in Form 1. But before I been there, my school was SMKA Maahad Hamidiah. And then, end of February, I received an offer letter to a boarding school which was SMAPK.

First, I didn't want to go there. Then, my parents persuaded me to study there. I willingly went to SMAPK and I had a lot of friends from many states of Malaysia. I had much enjoyment more than when I was in previous school. When I was in Form 1, I had been bullied by my seniors. I only had to iron the clothes. That was the worst thing I had to do. Some of my friends had to washed and iron the clothes. That was some of my experience in a boarding  school. When I was in Form 1, teachers rarely entered the class. Usually students of boarding school had lack of sleep during the night. So they will tried to sleep during the day. When the teacher didn't entered the class, they including me will use that time to sleep. It was funny to have that memory. During in Form 1, I was selected to be the prefects in my school. To be a prefect, there are 3 test that must each student pass. But I didn't pass the first test. I positively thought that is a new experience.

Next, when I was in Form 3, I passed the test but I became 'Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya' (PRS). I accepted that post. Praise be to God, since I became PRS, my relation between my seniors and juniors is closer. Besides, some of them willingly shared their secrets with me. I am responsible person, so I kept their secrets.
Form 3 student were rarely being bullied by the seniors. Usually Form 1 and Form 2 students were their targets.

 When I was in Form 4 and Form 5, sometimes I bullied my juniors but only a small matter they had to do such as refill water into a bottle. It is funny to remember that thing. Now that has become memory of my life during at the school. 

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