Wednesday 17 July 2013


Everything you do in your daily life is in your control. You want to do this and that, it's actually in your decision. For example, myself as a student. If I want to to class, it is up to me. If I don't want to go, I could just sleep on the bed for as long as I want. But, it is my responsibility to study hard. I don't want to embarrassed my parents for sponsoring all my studies. That is an example. Second example, if someone spill his drink to your shirt, what will you do? Either you talk to him/her nicely or scold him. It's your choice. But, when you have choose what do you want to do, make sure you won't regret it for the rest of your life.

Make sure everything you do are benefit for everyone including yourself. As story on the television such as drama, it tells about a son who had forgotten his mother. The son had become a wealthy man but the mother was poor. He doesn't admit that she was her mother when his mother come to his house due to her poverty. He had forgotten how hard his mother work to get money so that he can study and get a good job. Then, after his mother passed away, he became poor and called for his mother. It was useless now. If he just admit and love his mother like usual people, his life would be better, but he had chose wrongly and he deserved what he had done to his own mother. Try to ask yourself, if I do this, is it benefits everyone including me? The choice is yours. Make sure it is a right choice. 'Always Think Positive'.

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