Monday 19 August 2013


 My family and I were on our way to go to our hometown. Our hometown is situated in Kelantan. We departed from home at 2 o'clock in the morning. Usually while on the way, my father will stop at gas station to refill the fuel in the car. There, we stopped at gas station which is near to McDonald. After refilling the fuel, my brother asked to buy some burger, so my father parked the car beside the road and turn off the engine. After I had bought some burgers, my father started the car, but there was no sound of the engine.. He tried again so many times. Still the car didn't started. The watch showed it was almost 3 o'clock in the morning and we should be on our way to Kelantan. Then, we have to wait until the sunrise to call a mechanic. After the sunrise, my father called the mechanic. He said it was because of the battery. My father bought a new battery and the engine can be started. My family and I were so relieved. We continue our journey at 11 o'clock in the morning.

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