Tuesday 20 August 2013


Guys, when you read this entry, this is my 20th entry which is the last task to be completed as my assignment. Maybe after this, I will not write blog anymore. Maybe. For my last entry, I would like to tell you about someone who asked me to do this task. The person is my lecturer. I would not revealed her name here. Let it be a secret.She is a kind-hearted person. She also is a gentle woman. Sometimes in the class, when my friends and I made some noise unitil the whole class could hear it, she doesn't raise her voice to rebuke us. She rebuke us politely. I respect her as my lecturer. I only tell you a little about her. Last but not least, thank you my lecturer, Miss Alicia for teach me and for being nice to me. Thank you. 'Always Think Positive'.


My time in UNITEN is almost over. My time as student for trimester 1. Two more weeks and then final exam and I will enter trimester 2. I wish the time can be fasten so that I will finish my study faster.

So, I'm now typing my 19th entry. Maybe after I complete the 20th entry, I will no longer involve in blog.
I hope you enjoy reading all my entries. Remember to be nice to everyone although they treat you badly. One day, your good deeds will be rewarded. 'Always Think Positive'.

Monday 19 August 2013


 My family and I were on our way to go to our hometown. Our hometown is situated in Kelantan. We departed from home at 2 o'clock in the morning. Usually while on the way, my father will stop at gas station to refill the fuel in the car. There, we stopped at gas station which is near to McDonald. After refilling the fuel, my brother asked to buy some burger, so my father parked the car beside the road and turn off the engine. After I had bought some burgers, my father started the car, but there was no sound of the engine.. He tried again so many times. Still the car didn't started. The watch showed it was almost 3 o'clock in the morning and we should be on our way to Kelantan. Then, we have to wait until the sunrise to call a mechanic. After the sunrise, my father called the mechanic. He said it was because of the battery. My father bought a new battery and the engine can be started. My family and I were so relieved. We continue our journey at 11 o'clock in the morning.

Saturday 3 August 2013


What do you do during your leisure time? Especially students? What do you do? Honestly I sometimes love to wake up late in the morning especially during holidays. I will have a lot of free time. How about you? Are you just like me? I love it because during studying at school or university, I had to wake up early in the morning because the class started early. 

But actually, wake up late in the morning is not good for the growth of our body. Besides, a lot of time have been wasted due to overslept. I admit that every time I woke up late, I will feel regret because I could use that time to study. So, starting tomorrow, I must wake up early in the morning. So do you guys.'Always Think Positive'.

Saturday 27 July 2013


Have you ever about it? I'm sure you have heard about it and experienced it. I want to ask you, what do you do actually when you were sick? When you were sick, did you just stay in your home and do nothing? Did you just lie on the bed due to your sickness? It depends on your sickness.

If your sickness weren't so severe, you still can do beneficial work. No need to put your head on the pillow. Actually, there is a way to cure, which is by using your mind. If you feel that your sick is heavier, then it will become heavier and longer time taken for for you to cure. But, if you think another way, it will become on the other hand. So, always think that you will cure sooner. 'Always Think Positive'.

Sunday 21 July 2013

The End

Humans nowdays are likely to have fun, party and so on. They must be forgotten something. What is the purpose of humans being created by God? As far as I'm concern, human need to worship the God. That's the purpose why humans were created.

But, why now days there are many humans had forgotten their mission which is worship God. It's no matter what religion someone is, but the important is he/she worship the God or not. They only know to enjoy. I'm sorry if this is sensitive but this is true. When we die, we doesn't live this world just like that. We will go to another world for judgement day. During that day, all our activities that you had done when you were still alive. Don't think all we done in this world will not be repaid. 'Always Think Positive'.

Wednesday 17 July 2013


Everything you do in your daily life is in your control. You want to do this and that, it's actually in your decision. For example, myself as a student. If I want to to class, it is up to me. If I don't want to go, I could just sleep on the bed for as long as I want. But, it is my responsibility to study hard. I don't want to embarrassed my parents for sponsoring all my studies. That is an example. Second example, if someone spill his drink to your shirt, what will you do? Either you talk to him/her nicely or scold him. It's your choice. But, when you have choose what do you want to do, make sure you won't regret it for the rest of your life.

Make sure everything you do are benefit for everyone including yourself. As story on the television such as drama, it tells about a son who had forgotten his mother. The son had become a wealthy man but the mother was poor. He doesn't admit that she was her mother when his mother come to his house due to her poverty. He had forgotten how hard his mother work to get money so that he can study and get a good job. Then, after his mother passed away, he became poor and called for his mother. It was useless now. If he just admit and love his mother like usual people, his life would be better, but he had chose wrongly and he deserved what he had done to his own mother. Try to ask yourself, if I do this, is it benefits everyone including me? The choice is yours. Make sure it is a right choice. 'Always Think Positive'.