Monday 3 June 2013


It is more difficult when facing university life compared to school life. Seriously that I love during school time more than this university life. I just go to school in boarding school. I don't have any experience in normal secondary school. So, I only can tell you about the comparisons in boarding school life and university life.
 In boarding school, I don't have to worry about food and drink because it will be prepared by the committee members. Besides, food and drink have been paid during the registration before studying at the school. I felt so relieved about food drink. But in university, the food is prepared only after I ordered at a stall. It requires quite a lot of money just only for food and drink. But if you think it positively, that will teach you to become thrifty. For example, during lunchtime it is enough if you eat rice with one type of dish. You don't have to take multiples of dishes. No need to eat until you become full. Itis enough if you stop eating before you full.

In university, there is no one will force you yo go to the lecture class. but if in boarding school, even the teachers will come in front of the dormitary to force students went to class. In university, you will feel more free than in school. It is important for us to discipline ourselves in university life so that you will not feel regret for not being disciplined. Always Think Positive.

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