Saturday 15 June 2013


Since I'm 18, I help my father to wash the cars during weekend usually when I came back from the hostel. Usually, when I wash the car, my father ordered me to wash the tires and rims. I wash them so that it will be as clean as new one. I used to wash two cars but the latest I had to wash three cars in one day. So, I felt too   tired. I want to tell you something. Mental health is important to everyone. For example, a sprinter. He has good health of mental. If he said that he is tired, his mental will send message to the brain. Then, the brain will   send impulse to the muscles to be tired. But, if he thinks the opposite, the brain will do the opposite too. That is the power of mental. So, I have to be strong. We need to be strong. 'Always Think Positive'.

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